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  Birth (Wellcome Trust)
 First anaesthetic in childbirth 1847 First child born under anaesthesia

Wellcome Library, London
 Semmelweis washes hands to save life 1861 The dissecting room

Wellcome Library, London
 Marie Stopes opens birth-control clinic 1921 Marie Stopes mobile birth control clinic

Wellcome Library, London
 Grantly Dick Read advocates natural childbirth 1933 Father-to-be reassured by the family doctor

Wellcome Library, London
 Robert James Minnit invents gas and air apparatus 1933 Midwife giving a woman gas and air

Wellcome Library, London
 Prontosil reduces maternal mortality rate 1936 A new mother receives the last rites
Wellcome Library, London
 In vitro fertilization 1969 Human sperm fertilising an egg
Wellcome Photo Library
 First test-tube baby 1978 Collecting eggs for IVF

Wellcome Library, London
 Dolly cloned 1996 Reflections on cloning
Wellcome Library, London