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  The textile industry
  1771 Cromford Mill
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Pioneering mill at Cromford 1771
 First Boulton and Watt engines 1776
 Crompton breeds mule from jenny 1779
 Ancoats first mill to use steam power c. 1785 Ancoats Mill
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Fireproof mill in Derby 1793
 Ditherington improves on new fire-proofing techniques 1797 Ditherington Flax Mill
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Stanley Mill is powered by five waterwheels 1813 Stanley Mill, Kings Stanley
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Courtauld establishes textile mill for the spinning of silk 1816
 Cottages are still being built for handloom weavers 1825 Weavers' cottages, Hebden Bridge
English Heritage National Monuments Record
The Paradise Mill adopts the new Jacquard loom for spinning silk c. 1825 Paradise Mill, Macclesfield
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Engels in charge of Manchester mill 1842
 Titus Salt begins Saltaire 1851 Saltaire Mills
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 A new warehouse opens for the lace industry in Nottingham 1855 Adam & Page Warehouse
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 A framework knitters' workshop opens in Wigston 1880 Framework knitters' workshop
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Witney specializes in blankets 1897 Blanket factory, Witney
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Swan Lane claims to be the largest spinning mill in the world 1905 Swan Lane No. 3 Mill
English Heritage National Monuments Record
 Berlei opens a factory in the latest style 1937 Berlei Factory
English Heritage National Monuments Record