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  The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries
 The Rhondda is transformed by industry c. 1910 Industrial Rhondda
The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries
 A.J. Cook becomes a leading activist in the Rhondda valleys 1911 The miners leader, A.J. Cook
The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries
 Miners are at the forefront of left-wing politics c. 1925 Struggle or Starve
The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries
 Miners resist pay cuts 1925
 Miners' strike in Britain 1926
 The price of coal is high in terms of accidents c. 1930 A pit casualty
The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries
 Thatcher wins against unions 1985
 The last tram of coal is mined in the Rhondda 1986 Last tram of coal
The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries
 The Rhondda Heritage Park opens 1989 Ex-miners who guide the visitors
The Rhondda Heritage Park - Lewis Merthyr Collieries