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  Combined Medical Timeline (Wellcome Trust)
 Minoans practise trephination c. -2500 Trephined skull
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 Minoans export opium to Egypt c. -1300 Poppy (Papaver somniferum)
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 Greeks erect buildings for the dying c. -430
 Greek temples provide sanctuary for the sick c. -430 Healing at the shrine of Amphiaraos
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 Plague of Athens kills a third of the population c. -425 Women bathing in a public gymnasium
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 Hippocratic oath forbids abortion c. -400
 King Mithridates creates legendary antidote to poison c. -90 Preparation of theriac, 1512
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 Romans give soldiers free burial in army recruitment drive c. -20 Roman cremation
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 Romans take a lenient view over suicide c. 50 Seneca committing suicide in a bath
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 Romans construct well-appointed army hospitals c. 50 Floor plan of the valetudinarium at Neuss
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 Dioscorides writes De materia medica c. 64 Medicinal plants, Dioscorides
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 Soranus of Ephesus writes on gynaecology c. 100 Foetal positions, Soranus
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 Galen learns surgery by repairing gladiators' wounds 157 Fatally wounded gladiator
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 Romans invent ingenious baby's bottle c. 200 Roman feeding bottle

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 Fabiola founds Christian hospital in Latin west 397
 Plague of Justinian kills 25% of population 542
 Arab pharmacists become master drug-makers c. 1000 Rhazes in his laboratory at Baghdad
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 Hospital of St John in Jerusalem c. 1080 Jerusalem from the south
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 Birth of the Biddenden Maids 1100 Conjoined female twins
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 Lepers segregated from society in lazarettos c. 1100 The leper hospital, Amsterdam
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 European pharmacists form guilds c. 1200 Pharmacist dispensing cough syrup
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 Contraception condemned by church physicians c. 1200 Mother feeding her child

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 Christianity teaches the 'Art of Dying' c. 1200 The death of Dick Whittington
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 Muslims build hospitals with fountains c. 1200 The Maristan Hospital, Granada, Spain
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 Barbers practise part-time surgery c. 1250 Bleeding a woman
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 Europe's monarchs begin touching for the 'King's Evil' 1254 Mary I touching for the King's Evil
Wellcome Library, London
 First public dissection of a human body in Christendom c. 1315