A Day's Pleasure, 1842, E. Prentis/James Scott (detail). Mezzotint depicting the moment when the bill is presented in the Star and Garter Hotel, with its view down to the river.   RLHS

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details and images, and to timelines in TimeSearch for a broader range of data.


Places in History

Richmond and Sheen – Star and Garter

1738 - John Christopher builds the ‘Star and Garter’ tavern at the top of Petersham Common

c. 1803 - James Brewer doubles the site and establishes the Star and Garter as a major hotel

1822 - Under Joseph Ellis the Star and Garter hotel expands still further to become the fashionable watering place for royalty and literary figures, including Dickens and Thackeray

1870 - The Star and Garter hotel is destroyed by fire, then rebuilt to a design of Charles John Phipps

1870 - After years of slow decline, the Star and Garter is bought by the Auctioneers and Estate Agents Institute and presented to Queen Mary to become a hospital for disabled servicemen

1924 - The ‘New Star & Garter Home’, designed by Edwin Cooper, is opened by King George V and Queen Mary

2004 - The Governors of the Royal Star & Garter Home announce plans for it to be replaced by three new purpose-built care homes elsewhere in the UK, and the building is put up for sale


List of places already entered

Richmond and Sheen timeline

Sources   for this page Cloake2, 3, 10, 14, 23; Fowler, 33; Church, 32, 46

Contributors – to this page DB (RLHS)