Kew Pond

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details, images and timelines.


Places in History

Kew Pond

1327 - The fishery at ‘Kaiho-juxta-Braynford’ - which may the origin of Kew Pond - first appears in the accounts of St Swithin’s Priory at Winchester

1530 - King Henry VIII’s barge moors in the creek leading from the River Thames to Kew Pond

1771 - Kew Pond is clearly shown on the map of the (royal) Richmond Manor Survey, now in use as the village pond

c.1908 - The sides and ramp of Kew Pond are concreted and railings erected all round

1934 - The bottom of Kew Pond is concreted

1969 - Kew Pond is registered as common land under the Commons Registration Act 1965

1982 - Local volunteers take over regular filling of Kew Pond from Richmond Council so that constant water level can be maintained


List of places already entered

Kew timeline

Sources   for this page Bolton 1, 64-68

Contributors to this page IB (RLHS)