The Palm House, Kew Gardens   doobrady

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details, images and timelines.


Places in History

Kew Gardens - Palm House

1848 - Richard Turner wins the government contract to build a great new glasshouse in Kew Gardens, the Palm House, with Decimus Burton acting as architectural consultant.

1844 - The Palm House, today "the world's most important surviving Victorian glass and iron structure" is completed. Although originally told to hide it among trees, Kew's director William Hooker succeeds in placing it in a prominent position, thanks to support from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

1990 - The Palm House officially reopens, after being completely refurbished between 1952 and 1959; then taken down and rebuilt between 1985 and 1988, followed by the return of the plants.


List of places already entered

Kew timeline

Sources   for this page   Kew Gardens

Contributors   PF (RLHS)

External links
    Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew