Bushy House (Peter Denton)
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Places in History

Teddington - Bushy House

1663 - Bushy House is built by Edward Proger, in the royal enclosure now known as Bushy Park, by order of Charles II

1713 - Edward Proger dies in Bushy House at the age of 96

1797 - The king's son, William, Duke of Clarence, becomes Keeper (or Ranger) of Bushy Park and establishes his mistress, the actress Dora Jordan, in Bushy House

1798 - Dora gives birth in Bushy House to Mary, the first of seven children of the royal duke born in the house in the following nine years

1811 - Dora Jordan has to leave Bushy Park, after being abandoned by the duke

1900 - Queen Victoria gives permission for the newly founded National Physical Laboratory to move into Bushy House and its grounds


List of places

Hampton and Teddington timeline

Sources   for this page RUTLS, Tomalin 173, 257

Contributors to this page BG