The maltings, Mortlake Brewery

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details and images, and to timelines in TimeSearch for a broader range of data.


Places in History

Barnes and Mortlake – Mortlake Brewery

1765 - The first mention of brewing in Mortlake describes two small adjacent breweries, in separate ownership, occupying between them about two acres

1811 - Mortlake’s two small breweries merge as a single business

1852 - The Mortlake brewery, after passing through several hands, is acquired by the Phillips family

1860s - Mortlake’s brewery becomes prosperous through contracts supplying beer (India Pale Ale) to the British army in India

1869 - Extensive acquisition of neighbouring properties gives the Mortlake brewery a huge river frontage, and the success of the enterprise is commemorated in the façade of a new building

1889 - The Phillips family sells the Mortlake brewery to Watney’s

1903 - An eight-storey riverside brick building, for use in the process of malting, is added to the ever-expanding Mortlake brewery


List of places already entered

Mortlake and Barnes timeline

Sources – for this page BMHS

Contributors   to this page BG