Kew Gardens Station   John Moses

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details, images and timelines.


Places in History

Kew Gardens Station

1868-9 - Kew Gardens station is built, as a two storey building in the style of a domestic Victorian villa. The station is one of the few surviving 19th- century railway stations on the North London Line. It was going to be built by the Avenue but was located further north probably to meet local needs of the population then centred around Kew Green. (Pevsner2,505; Blomfield)

1869 January 1 - The first train arrives at Kew Gardens Station. This line was used both by L&SWR and the North London Line. (Cloake 1,I,151-168)

1912 - A footbridge is built just south of Kew Gardens station with narrow deck and high walls to protect users' clothing from the smoke of steam trains. It is a rare survivor of a design by French engineer François Hennibique. (Kew 1, Autumn 2004)

1990s - The old marshalling yards of Kew Gardens station are turned into a housing estate. (Local knowledge, JM)

2004 - The footbridge at Kew Gardens station is restored with the help of a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. (Heritage 1)

Before 1864 To get from north London to Richmond by rail the trains had to shunt onto the Hounslow Loop and then proceed to Barnes and then shunt onto the L&SWR to Richmond from Nine Elms. (Sherwood,27)


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Contributors — to this page JM (RLHS)