Garrick's Temple and Temple Lawn, c.1910
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Places in History

Hampton - Garrick's Temple

1755-56 - Garrick's Temple, designer unknown but possibly modelled on Lord Burlington's temple at Chiswick House, is built by David Garrick to entertain friends and house his Shakespeare mementos Twickenham Museum

1758 - Garrick commissions a statue of Shakespeare for a large niche in the Temple. The original is now in the British Museum and an exact replica in Garrick's Temple (Smith, 12)

1923 - Garrick's Villa Estate is split up and auctioned. Garrick's Temple and Temple Lawn sold to Paul Glaize who builds a house, Temple House, joined onto the Temple

1933 - A public outcry over the building of Temple House joined onto Garrick's Temple runs very high. The Council purchases the site for public recreation and demolishes the house

1998 - Garrick's Temple is restored and opens to the public and houses an exhibition on David Garrick's life

1999 - The lawn and gardens surrounding Garrick's Temple are re-landscaped and replanted to replicate something of its appearance in Garrick's day


List of places already entered

Hampton and Teddington timeline

Sources (additional) for this page   Twickenham Museum 1923, 1933, 1998, 1999

Contributors to this page JS (BOTLHS)

External links
    Garrick's Temple Twickenham Museum
    Photographs Flickr