St Mary's Church, in Barnes

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details and images, and to timelines in TimeSearch for a broader range of data.


Places in History

Barnes and Mortlake – St Mary's

c. 1200 - A small rectangular flint chapel is built on the site of the present St Mary's church in Barnes

1215 - St Mary's chapel in Barnes is enlarged

c. 1485 - A tower is added to St Mary's in Barnes

1904-8 - A new nave, chancel and north aisle, designed by Charles Innes, are added to St Mary's

1978 - A fire destroys St Mary's church in Barnes except for the tower and the south and east walls of the medieval chapel

1984 - New additions to St Mary's are completed, designed by Edward Cullinan, to replace the parts destroyed by the fire of 1978


List of places already entered

Mortlake and Barnes timeline

Sources – for this page BMHS, Pevsner2, 468, Edward Cullinan

Contributors   to this page BG