Barn Elms, Barnes

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details and images, and to timelines in TimeSearch for a broader range of data.


Places in History

Barnes and Mortlake – Barn Elms

1467 - Sir John Saye, Chancellor of the Exchequer to Edward IV, becomes the first recorded resident of Barn Elms, the manor house of Barnes

1579 - Queen Elizabeth buys the lease of Barn Elms for her spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham

1694 - Barn Elms is demolished by Thomas Cartwright, who replaces it with a country house in a contemporary style

1827 - William Cobbett leases the Home Farm of the Barn Elms estate

1827-31 - William Cobbett engages in experimental farming methods on the Barn Elms farm, and the publicity generated by his activities causes it to become known as Cobbett’s Farm

1884 - Barn Elms becomes the home of the Ranelagh Club and is soon famous for its polo matches

1954 - Barn Elms burns down, and its grounds are converted to school playing fields


List of places already entered

Mortlake and Barnes timeline

Sources – for this page BMHS

Contributors   to this page BG