A View of Richmond Palace, copper-engraving published in 1765 from a drawing of the 17th century (Wikipedia)

Places in History is an ongoing project. It uses placemarks in Google Maps to identify the exact position of a building, street or other feature, with a satellite view of the location. The maps link to pages in HistoryWorld for historical details and images, and to timelines in TimeSearch for a broader range of data.


Places in History

Richmond and Sheen – Richmond Palace

1358 - Edward III begins to transform a royal manor by the Thames at Richmond into a building that can for the first time be called a palace

1394 - Anne, the wife of Richard II, dies of plague at Richmond and in his distress the king orders the palace to be demolished

1413 - Soon after his accession Henry V begins construction of a new royal palace at Richmond

1497 - When Henry VII is in Richmond for Christmas, fire breaks out in his lodging and destroys much of the palace

1501 - The rebuilding of Henry VII's palace is largely completed, after an impressively short time

1509 - The newly crowned and recently married king, Henry VIII, spends his first Christmas with his wife, Catherine of Aragon, at Richmond

c. 1590 - Queen Elizabeth I instals in Richmond Palace a flushing water closet (or toilet) recently invented by Sir John Harington

1603 - Queen Elizabeth I dies at the age of 69 in Richmond Palace

1649 - After the execution of Charles I. Parliament sets about selling the royal estates to raise funds

1650 - Richmond Palace is sold, probably as several lots, and within a year the stones and bricks are being carted off by builders for use elsewhere


List of places already entered

Richmond and Sheen timeline

Sources   for this page (Cloake 1, Vol. 1, 20-29, 39-40, 55-6, 140-42, 209-211)

Contributors   to this page BG (RLHS)

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