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 reels (folk dances)
 Reeves, Carole - Birth
  - Death
  - Drugs, chemists and the pharmaceutical industry
  - Hospitals, clinics and asylums
  - Plagues, pestilence and public health
  - Surgery
  - Technology, Medicine and
 referenda - in Scotland and Wales, 1979
  - in Scotland and Wales, 1997
  - in Ireland, 1998
 Reform, The - in Mexico from 1855
 Reform Act - passed in 1832
  - brief account
 Reform Bill - campaign of 1831-2
 Reform Club, London
  - gas cooking
  - tour through time
  - in Britain
  - and carols
  - mystery plays
 reformed - describing Swiss Reformation
 Regency (in British history)
 Regensburg - and the Reichstag
  - demonstration of a vacuum
  - treaty of 1684
 Regent's Park, London
 Regent Street, London
 Register House - Scottish Record Office
 Rehoboam - king of Judah
 Reich - origin of the German empire
  - and Hitler
 Reichenau - church of St George
 Reichenbach Falls - and Moriarty
 Reichsmark - introduced in 1924
 Reichstadt - meeting of emperors in 1876
 Reichstadt, duke of - dies in 1832
 Reichstädte - imperial cities
 Reichstag - origins
  - fire in 1933
 Reims - and baptism of Clovis
  - and Joan of Arc
  - consecration of Charles VII
  - coronation of Charles X
  - in World War I
 Reims cathedral - sculptures in west porch
 reincarnation - and Dalai Lama
 Reith, John (Lord)
 Reivers - Tullie House Museum
 Relate (marriage guidance)
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