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 ice age - discovery of
  - routes into Australia and America
  - in Britain
 ice ages
  - tour through time
  - and Lutheranism
 Ice March - in Russia in 1918
 Iceni - rising under Boudicca
 Ich dien - Prince of Wales
 I Ching - the 'Classic of Changes'
 ichthys - Christian symbol
 ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries)
 Icknield Way
 Ickworth, Suffolk
 I, Claudius
 iconoclasm - in the Reformation
  - in the Netherlands
 Iconoclastic Controversy - and Leo III
  - and Sicily
 iconoclasts and iconodules - in AD 726-843
 iconostasis - in Orthodox churches
 icons - in the Byzantine empire
 Ictinos - architect of the Parthenon
 Ideal Home Exhibition
 Ides of March - and Julius Caesar
 Idomeneo - by Mozart
 Idris - and Cader Idris
 Idris, Mohammed - Senussi leader
  - becomes Idris I
 Idrisids - ruling from Fez
 Idylls of the King (Tennyson)
 If (Kipling)
 Ife - ancient kingdom in Africa
  - terracotta sculptures
  - brass and copper sculpture
 Ightam Mote, Kent
 Ignatius of Loyola - founder of the Jesuits
 'ignorance is bliss'
 I-go - Japanese board game
 Igraine - and King Arthur
 Iguala, Plan of - in 1821
 Ikaria - sunk by U-boat in World War I
 Ikhshidid dynasty - in Egypt
 Ile de la Cité - inhabited bridges
 Île Longue - passage grave in Brittany
 Iliad - and Homer
  - Greek chieftains and their kingdoms
  - the plot
  - and boxing
  - and wrestling
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