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 dinner (meanings in English)
  - and persecution of Christians
  - related items
 Diomede Islands - named by Bering
 Dionysius - tyrant of Syracuse
 Dionysius Exiguus - and the Christian era
 Dionysus - and dance
  - and origins of theatre
  - theatre in Athens
 Diophantus - and Arithmetica
 dioptra - device of Hero of Alexandria
 Diori, Hamani - president of Niger
 Dioscorides, Pedanius - surgeon to Nero's army
  - De materia medica
  - recipe for pain control
 Diouf, Abdou - president of Senegal
 Diplomatic Revolution - of 1756
 dippers - in Brighton
 Dirac, Paul
 direct rule - of Northern Ireland from 1972
 Dirleton (village and castle)
 Disasters of War - series by Goya
 disciples - of Jesus Christ
 Discobolos - by Myron
 Discorsi - by Galileo
 Discours of 1750 - by Rousseau
 Discourse on Reason - by Descartes
  - tour through time
 Discovery - and Henry Hudson
 Discus Thrower - by Myron
 Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells
 dispatch box (Houses of Parliament)
 dispensaries - history
 Disputa - by Raphael
 disputatio - in scholasticism
 Disraeli, Benjamin
  - and the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-8
  - brief biography
 dissection - in medieval Italy
  - in the 16th century
  - of hanged criminals in 16th century
  - of murderers in 18th century
  - as criminal punishment
  - and body snatching in 18th century
  - Burke and Hare supply bodies
  - and the Anatomy Act (1832)
 Dissenters (in England)
 dissolution of the monasteries - Henry VIII
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