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 Constitutional Convention - in 1787
 constitutional monarchy - and Bill of Rights
  - brief account
 Constitution of the USA - ratified in 1788
 Consulate - and Brumaire of year VIII
 consuls - in Roman republic
  - in Italy's medieval communes
 consumption - history of the disease
 contact lenses - first use
 Conté, Lansana - president of Guinea
 Continental Congress - first, in 1774
  - second, in 1775
 continental drift - in the evolution of the earth
  - Wegener's hypothesis
 continental flag - in 1776
 Continental System - from 1806
 contraception - in Roman Empire
  - in 18th century
  - in 19th century
  - in 20th century
  - development of the IUD
  - vasectomy
  - development of the pill
 Contras - in Nicaragua
 Conventicle Act - in 1664
  - and Clarendon Code
 Convention - established in Paris in 1792
 Convention Parliament - of 1660
 Conventuals - among the Franciscans
 Convivio - by Dante
 convoy system - introduced in World War I
  - in World War II
 Conwy - treaty of 1277
  - castle built by Edward I
  - and Richard II
  - brief history of town
 Cook, A.J. - and the General Strike
  - early career
 Cook, James
  - and the Maori
  - brief biography
  - birthplace at Marton
  - limeys
  - introduces diseases to Australasia
 Cook, Karen - Cricket in Kent
 Cook, Thomas - early tours to Scotland
  - brief account
 Cookham - and Stanley Spencer
 cooking - and Irish Travellers
  - in Glasgow in the 1920s
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