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 badminton (the game)
 Badminton House
 Badoglio, Pietro - succeeds Mussolini in 1943
 Badshahi Mosque - Lahore
 Baedeker raids
 Bagamoyo - Burton-Speke expedition
 Bagaza, Jean-Baptiste - in Burundi
 Bagehot, Walter
 Baghdad - founded in 762
  - and the Abbasid caliphs
  - and the Arabian Nights
  - and alchemy
  - school of translators
  - and paper
  - pharmacies
  - and the Seljuks
  - and Hulagu
  - destroyed by Timur
  - disputed between Persians and Turks
  - and homing pigeons
  - captured by Suleiman I in 1534
  - captured in 1917
 Baghdad Pact - and CENTO
 Bagot family - and Levens Hall
 Bagpipe Music (MacNeice)
 bagpipes in Scotland
 Bagutti, Giovanni - Orleans House
  - and Columbus
  - settled in 1648
  - and Britain
 Bahia - as capital of Brazil
 Bahrain - and Britain
 Bahr el Ghazal - and French in 1896
 Baikie, William - and quinine
 Bailén - battle in 1808
 Bailey bridge
 Baily, Edward Hodges
  - Marble Arch
  - Nelson's Column
 Bairam Khan - and Akbar
 Baird, John Logie
  - and fibreoptic image technology
 Bairnsfather, Bruce - 'better 'ole'
 Baisunqur Mirza - and Persian painting
 baka - suicide missile in World War II
 Bakassi peninsula - disputed region
 Baker, Henry - Hymns Ancient and Modern
 Baker, Herbert - New Delhi
 Baker, Samuel - and the source of the Nile
  - and the khedive of Egypt
  - brief biography
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