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 Unitarians - origins
 United Arab Republic - and Nasser
 United Arab States - in 1956
 United Artists - and Charlie Chaplin
 United Federal Party - in Rhodesia in 1962
 United Fruit Company - origin in Costa Rica
  - in Guatemala
  - in Honduras
 United Irishman - published from 1899
 United Kingdom - established in 1801
  - origin of name
  - brief account
 United National Independence Party - Zambia
 United Nations - and the Atlantic Charter
  - founded in 1945
  - and apartheid from 1948
  - Eritrea in 1948-50
  - Spanish Sahara in 1975
  - Somalia 1992-5
  - Rwanda from 1993
  - Angola in 1994
  - Central African Republic in 1998
  - Sierra Leone in 1999
  - brief history
 United Party - of Hertzog and Smuts
 United Provinces - Dutch republic
 United Reformed Church
  - tour through time
  - census from 1790
  - and the League of Nations
  - and German U-boats in World War I
 United States of Colombia - 1861-66
 Unities - of action, time and place
 Universal Penman - of George Bickham
 universe - the beginning
  - size of
  - life on other planets?
  - origin according to Democritus
 Universe (newspaper)
 universities (in Britain)
 University Boat Race (Oxford v Cambridge)
 University College (London)
 University College Hospital - founded in London
 Unkiar Skelessi - treaty of 1833
 Unknown Melancholy Young Man - Oliver
 Unkown Warrior, Tomb of the (Westminster Abbey)
 UNO - or Unión Nacional de Oppositora
 Unst (Shetlands)
 Unterwalden - one of the Waldstätte
 Untouchables - in caste system
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