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 Thermopylae - battle in 480 BC
  - epitaph to the Spartans
 Thermos flask - and James Dewar
 Theseus - by Canova
 Thespis - priest of Dionysus
 Thessalonians - and St Paul
 Thessaly - transferred to Greece in 1881
 Thetford - taken by Danes in 869
 thing - Scandinavian assembly
 Things to Come (Korda)
 thin red line (British army)
 Third Coalition - against Napoleon in 1805
 Third Man film, 1949 by Reed and Greene
 Third Reich - in Germany
 Third Rome - meaning Moscow
 Thirlestane Castle
 Thirteen Questions of Love - in Boccaccio
 Thirteenth Amendment - to US Constitution
 Thirty days hath September
 Thirty-Nine Articles - and Nonconformists
  - brief account
 Thirty-Nine Steps (Buchan)
 Thirty-three Immortals - of Lavalleja
 thirty-year rule (government papers)
 Thirty Year Treaty - in Peloponnesian Wars
  - and age of Pericles
 This little pig went to market
 thistle - emblem for Scotland
 Thistle, Order of the
 Thomas - bishop of Uppsala
 Thomas, Brandon - Charley's Aunt
 Thomas, Dylan
 Thomas, Percy - Swansea Guildhall
 Thomas, Sidney - iron and steel
 Thomas, the Tank Engine
 Thomas à Kempis - Imitation of Christ
 Thomason, Yeoville - and Birmingham
 Thomsen, Christian - stone, bronze, iron
 Thomson, Alexander - Greek Revival
  - tenements in Glasgow
 Thomson, Charles Wyville - and HMS Challenger
 Thomson, D.C. - Sunday Post
 Thomson, James - Rule, Britannia
 Thomson, Joseph John
  - Cavendish Laboratory
 Thomson, William - and the Courier
 Thomson, William (baron Kelvin)
 Thon-mi Sambhota - and Tibetan script
 Thorfinn Karlsefni - and Vinland
 Thorndike, Sybil
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