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 Taming of the Shrew - by Shakespeare
  - brief account
 Tam o' Shanter
 Tamoxifen - treatment for breast cancer
 Tana, Lake - source of the Blue Nile
 Tanagra - battle in 457 BC
 T and O maps - the Mappa Mundi
 T'ang dynasty
 T'ang poetry
 T'ang pottery - and tomb figures
 Tanganyika - under British mandate
  - brief account
 Tanganyika, Lake - Burton and Speke
 Tanganyika African National Union - 1953
 Tangier - visit of William II in 1905
  - as international port
  - restored to Morocco
 Tanis - and the 21st dynasty
 tank (military) - and Leonardo da Vinci
  - brief account
 Tankerness House - Kirkwall
 Tannenberg - battle in 1410
  - battle in 1914
 Tannhäuser - and the Minnesinger
 Tantallon Castle
 TANU - Tanganyika African National Union
  - in World War I
  - and Britain
 taoiseach - the Irish prime minister
 Taq-e Kisra - vaulted hall at Ctesiphon
 Taraki, Nur Mohammad - Afghan politician
 Taranto - falls to Rome in 272 BC
  - British attack in 1940
 Tarapacá province - ceded to Chile in 1883
 Tarentum - falls to Rome in 272 BC
 Tarka the Otter (Williamson)
 Tarmac (trade name)
 tarot cards - the pack
 tarpan - wild horse of Europe
 Tarqui - battle in 1829
 Tarquinia - Etruscan tomb painting
 Tarquin the Proud - king of Rome
 Tarsus - Antony and Cleopatra
  - St Paul
 tartan - banned from 1747 to 1782
  - made fashionable by George IV
  - brief account
 Tartuffe - by Molière
 Tarxien - megalithic temples
 Tasman, Abel - explorer
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