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 Severn - and Wilkinson's iron barge
  - brief description
 Seville - and the Almohads
  - as a slave market
  - and the Atlantic trade
 Sèvres - treaty in 1920
 Sèvres porcelain
  - Egyptian Service, Apsley House
 Seward, William H. - assassination attempt
  - and Mexico in 1865-7
  - and the purchase of Alaska
 Sewell, Anna - Great Yarmouth
 sewers - construction in 19th century London
 sewing - origins
 sex - in the Middle Ages
  - forbidden during pregnancy
 sextant - in navigation
 Sextus Roscius - defended by Cicero
 Sextus Tarquinius - rape of Lucretia
 Seychelles - and Britain
 Seymour, Edward - and Edward VI
 Seymour, Thomas - and Catherine Parr
 Seyss-Inquart, Arthur - Austrian Nazi
 Sforza, Francesco - and Milan
 Sforza, Ludovico - and Charles VIII
 S4C - Channel Four Wales
  - Sianel Pedwar Cymru
 sfumato - and Leonardo da Vinci
 sgraffito - in slipware
 Shabaka - Egyptian pharaoh
 Shackamaxon - Penn's treaty with Indians
 Shackleton, Ernest
 Shaffer, Peter - and Amadeus
 Shaftesbury, 7th earl - Conservative MP
  - social reformer
  - brief biography
  - Eros
  - Factory Acts
  - window tax
 Shaftesbury Avenue, London
 Shah Jahan - Moghul emperor
  - imprisoned by Aurangzeb
  - and architecture
  - and Moghul miniatures
 shah mat - and checkmate
 Shah-nama - by Firdausi
  - and Mahmud of Ghazni
 Shahrukh - son of Timur
 Shah Shuja - Afghan ruler 1803-9
  - British puppet ruler in 1839-42
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