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 Malaya - and Islam
  - and Britain
  - falls to Japanese in 1942
  - and Britain
 Malbork - stronghold of Teutonic knights
 Malcolm II - king of Scotland
 Malcolm III - and Macbeth
  - brief biography
 Malcolm IV
 Maldives and Britain
  - ancient kingdom in Africa
  - and Ibn Batuta
  - brought within French empire
 Malik Shah - Seljuk sultan
 Mall (London)
 Mallard (steam engine)
 Mallet's mortar - in Crimean War
 Mallia - palace in Minoan Crete
 Mallory, George - and Everest
 Mallowan, Max - and Agatha Christie
 Malory, Thomas - and Morte Darthur
 Malouines, Îles - or Falkland Islands
 Malpighi, Marcello - and the microscope
 Malplaquet - battle in 1709
 Malta - megalithic temples
  - granted to Knights of St John in 1530
  - taken by Napoleon in 1798
  - taken by Britain in 1800
  - under siege 1940-43
  - awarded George Cross
  - retained by Britain in 1802
  - and Britain
 Malthus, Thomas
  - and population control
 Malvern, Lord - Rhodesia and Nyasaland
 Malvern College - and the Morgan
 Malverns (Hereford and Worcs)
 Malvinas, Islas - or Falkland Islands
 mamakuna - in the Inca empire
  - tour through time
  - and the Assassins
 mammals - in evolution
 mammoth - and end of glacial period
  - in north America
  - becoming extinct
 Mamprusi - tribal group in Togo
 Man, Isle of - and the Vikings
  - ceded to Scottish king in 1266
  - and Gaelic
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