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 Inquisition - established by Gregory IX
  - in Spain
 insane - unchained in Paris
 insanity - treatment in early modern period
  - 'moral therapy' in 18th century
  - growth in the 19th century
  - and lunatic asylums in 19th century
  - and alcoholism
 insects - in evolution
 Institute of Contemporary Arts (London)
 Institutes of Calvin - burnt in France
 Instruction - proposal for Russian reform
 Instructions for the fleet in fighting - 1653
 Instrument of Government - of 1653
 insulin - discovery
 intaglio - in printing
 intelligence - and the measurement of IQ
  - and the 11-plus
  - and Stanford-Binet tests
  - and Mental Deficiency Act (1957)
  - and immigration restriction
 intensive care - development of
 Interahamwe - youth militia in Rwanda
 interior design - and Brunelleschi
 interlace - in Celtic manuscripts
 Intermediate Period - First, in Egypt
  - Second
 intermezzi - in Renaissance entertainments
 International - the First, in 1864
  - the Second, in 1889
 International African Association - 1876
 International Gothic - style in painting
 Interstate Commerce Act - in 1887
 In the name of God, go! - in 1653
  - brief account
 Intimations of Immortality (Wordsworth)
 Intolerable Acts - of 1774
 inuit - their origins
 Invalides, Les - tradition of the dome
  - and the mob in 1789
  - and the tomb of Napoleon
  - tour through time
 investiture controversy
 in vitro fertilisation (IVF) - development
  - and surrogate motherhood
  - and 'designer' babies
 In Which We Serve (film)
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