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 horse - domestication
  - extinct in north America
  - warhorse and carthorse
  - reintroduced to America
  - Przewalski's
  - the tarpan
 horse collar - as harness
 horse droppings - health hazard in Victorian towns
 Horse Guards (William Kent)
  - Household Cavalry
 Horse of the Year Show
 horsepower - and James Watt
 horse-racing - in classical times
  - in 17th and 18th-century England
 Horseshoe Bend - battle of 1814
 Horsley, John Callcott - and Christmas cards
 Horus - Egyptian god
 Horyuji - early wooden pagoda
 hospice movement (in Britain)
 hospital - for 'idiots'
  - of Santa Maria Nuova, founded in Florence
 Hospital of St John - founded in Jerusalem
  - patients go to bed naked
 Hospitals - article by Dr Carole Reeves
 hospitals - in ancient Greece
  - for slaves in Roman Empire
  - for soldiers in Roman Empire
  - early Christian
  - in Arab-Islamic Empire
  - in medieval cities of Europe
  - and the Crusades
  - for lepers in Middle Ages
  - and Christian charity
  - in 16th century Europe
  - and dissolution of the monasteries
  - for the insane in early modern period
  - in 18th century
  - teaching hospitals in 18th century
  - funding admissions in 19th century
  - for the insane in 19th century
  - and childbirth in 20th century
  - and deaths from puerperal fever
  - workhouse infirmaries
  - 'cottage' hospitals
  - in the 20th century
  - during Second World War
  - for victims of plague
  - for victims of syphilis
  - for incurables
  - for treatment of tuberculosis
  - for treatment of cancer
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