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 Halley's comet - in AD 1066
  - in the Bayeux tapestry
  - predicted return in 1758
 hallmarks in Britain
 Hallstatt - and the Celts
 Hallstatt culture - and iron swords
 halo - in pre-Christian times
  - and Dutch portrait painting
 Halsted, William - introduces rubber gloves in surgery
 Hamada, Shoji - potter
  - slipware
 Hamadan - site of Ecbatana
 Hama - uprising in 1982
 Hambledon Cricket Club
 Hamble river - and the Grace Dieu
 Hamburg - and the Hanseatic League
  - and the Reformation
  - and banking
  - and Handel
  - closed to Britain in 1801
  - in the German Confederation
  - bombed in 1943
 Ham House
  - early use of sash windows
 Hamilcar Barca - Carthaginian general
 Hamilton - by-election of 1967
 Hamilton, Alexander - secretary of treasury
 Hamilton, Charles - Painshill Park
 Hamilton, Emma
  - early career
 Hamilton, Richard - pop art
 Hamina - treaty of 1809
 Hamito-Semitic - language group
 Hamlet - by Shakespeare
  - 'What a piece of work is man!'
  - brief account
  - death in Katanga
 Hammer of the Scots - Edward I
 hammer-beam roof
 Hammersmith Hospital - first British open-heart surgery
 Hammond, Wally
 Hammurabi - code of
 Hampden, John - and ship money
  - one of the Five Members
  - brief biography
 Hampden Park
 Hampi - site of Vijayanagara
 Hampshire, HMS - and Kitchener
 Hampstead (London)
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