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 Glyn Dwr, Owain
  - brief biography
 Glyn, Elinor
 Glynn Vivian Art Gallery - Swansea
 Gniezno - first capital of Poland
  - Wenceslas II crowned in 1300
 gnomes of Zurich (Harold Wilson)
 go - Japanese board game
 Goa - and the Portuguese
 goats - domestication
 Gobelin factory - bought by Colbert
 Go-Between (Hartley)
 Gobind Rai - tenth Sikh guru
 God by in my head (hymn)
 Godesalc - gospel book for Charlemagne
 Godiva, Lady
 Godolphin Arabian - and the stud book
  - thorougbreds
 Godoy, Manuel de
  - his proposed share of Portugal
  - and the crisis of 1808
 Godunov, Boris - tsar of Russia
 Godwin - earl of Wessex and Kent
  - and Edward the Confessor
 Goebbels, Joseph - on Kristallnacht
  - at Hitler's wedding
 Goedelic - Celtic languages
 Goering, Hermann - and the Munich putsch
  - in Hitler's first cabinet
  - on the Night of the Long Knives
  - and Dunkirk
  - at the Nuremberg trials
 Goes, Hugo van der - Portinari Altarpiece
 Goethals, George W. - and the Panama Canal
 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
 Gog and Magog
 Gokstad - Norwegian ship burial
 gold - in metallurgy
  - and the Sahara trade routes
  - in east African trade
  - in Brazil from 1693
 Goldberg Variations - by J.S. Bach
 Gold Coast - or modern Ghana
  - as British colony
 Gold Cup - Cheltenham
 Golden Bough (Frazer)
 Golden Bull - of Andrew II
  - of Charles IV
 golden calf - and Jeroboam
 Golden Fleece - order of knightood
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