©Wellcome Library, London

Chamberlen forceps

The Chamberlens moved in the highest circles although it is doubtful whether this was due entirely to their forceps. They were clearly accomplished men-midwives. In 1628, Hugh Chamberlen's son, Peter (1560-1631, there were 3 Peters and 2 Hughs in the family), was called to attend Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I (reigned 1625-1649), after the midwife in charge ‘swooned with fear' on entering the queen's bedchamber. Whether he used the forceps (always carried in a box) is unrecorded. In 1818, several pairs of forceps were found in a secret compartment at Woodham Mortimer Hall near Maldon, Essex, which had once been the home of Peter Chamberlen's son, also called Peter (1602-1683).

Source: Kedarnath Das. Obstetric forceps: its history and evolution. The Art Press, Calcutta 1929.