©National Archives

Agincourt Indenture, 1415 This is an indenture, or agreement, between Robert de Radclyf of Osbaldeston in Lancashire and King Henry V. An indenture was made by writing out the terms of the agreement twice (or sometimes more) on a single piece of parchment. This was then cut in a serrated fashion down the middle and a copy given to each of the parties.

In this particular indenture, dated 23 April 1415, Radclyf agreed that he and two archers would serve the King on his expedition to France (which culminated in the Battle of Agincourt in October 1415). The terms of the agreement were that Radclyf would be paid one shilling a day for himself and sixpence a day for his men. The King would receive a fixed share of any profits that they made from booty and the ransom of French captives.